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:: Volume 14, Issue 6 (February & March 2010 2010) ::
pajoohande 2010, 14(6): 318-323 Back to browse issues page
Assessing Tendencies and Motivations of Female Volunteers For Cosmetic Surgery
Mousavizadeh SM , Niazi Shahraki F * , Kalantar Hormozi A , Fadaei Naeini AR , Nasri Lari M
, niazi_sf@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (10716 Views)
Background & Aim: Today, plastic surgeries are among the most popular types of surgeries worldwide, and Iran is placed as one of the tops on the list of plastic surgeries. Considering these facts, this study was designed to evaluate the volunteers' motivations, their attitudes and informational sources performed in Panzdah Khordad Educational Hospital, in Tehran, during 2005-2006. Materials & Methods: The study was conducted on a cross- sectional basis. All patients undergoing plastic surgeries, and referred to this center during that time, were evaluated and necessary information was recorded. All the findings were evaluated statistically and the results were presented by descriptive and analytical statistics. Results: 75 patients were studied in this research. The average age of the participants was 33±13 (minimum of 17 and maximum of 63 years old). Rhinoplasty (52%) and abdominoplasty (8%), were the most and less common surgeries done. The major motivators were friends, relatives and classmates (40%) and the least important ones were magazines and journals (4%). 10.7 percent of the participants described the posture and function of their target organs perfect, but they planned to improve it by the aesthetic surgeries. Conclusion: No relation was found between the motivations and type of the surgeries and educational stand, but the motivations were dependent on patients' occupation, marital status and attitude towards the target organ
Keywords: Aesthetic Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Motivation, Attitude
Full-Text [PDF 283 kb]   (2468 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Original | Subject: Medicine
Received: 2017 | Accepted: 2017 | Published: 2017
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Mousavizadeh SM, Niazi Shahraki F, Kalantar Hormozi A, Fadaei Naeini AR, Nasri Lari M. Assessing Tendencies and Motivations of Female Volunteers For Cosmetic Surgery. pajoohande 2010; 14 (6) :318-323
URL: http://pajoohande.sbmu.ac.ir/article-1-849-en.html

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