Background: Several stydies have indicated that compared to the men without baldness, bald ones have higher risk for development of coronary artery diseases (CAD), and androgen alopecia (AGA) is some how related to CAD. However, none of the previous reports has considered the coronary angiography as the gold standard for diagnosis of CAD. This study was performed to evaluate the validity of such conclusions from the dermatological and cardiological point of view. Materials and Methods: This Case-Control study was carried out on 400 men, who underwent angiography procedures for diagnosis of CAD. Sampled subjects were matched through their gender and age. Case group consisted of 200 male subjects who had positive results in their angiography and another 200 male subjects whom were found to have no pathological finding through their angiography were considered as control group. Subjects in both group were matched together as well as they were blindly assessed for scaling their baldness and in following, their data were analyzed by Chi-square test and their Odds ratio was calculated, as well. Results: Androgenetic alopecia was found in 137 (68.5 %) of patients in case group, whereas only 88 (44%) patients in control group had AGA. There was a statistically significant correlation between male’s AGA and CAD (P=0.001). (95% CI: 1.8-4.2). Furthermore, patients with CAD were 2.8 times more than subjects in control group at risk of development of AGA. Conclusion: According to our findings, it seems that patients who have stage III of Vertex type of AGA (or above), have greater risk for developing CAD than patinets without AGA.
Moravvej Farshchi H, Meshkat Razavi G, Ghalamkarpour F, Shahidi Dadras M, Tehranchi Nia Z, Nouhi F. Evaluation of Association between Androgenic Alopecia and Coronary Artery Diseases in Men. pajoohande 2007; 12 (3) :153-160 URL: