Safety Promotion and Injury Prevention Research center, SBMU Health Cohort Study, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran ,
Abstract: (4629 Views)
Introduction: Documentation and scientific evidence based on cohort studies can illustrate the profile of illness and the problem under quite normal conditions at the time of the study, as well as credible evidence of causality related to the outcomes. The health of each organization's employees is an important issue for increasing their efficiency and production. So far, a study with this structure has not been conducted among employees of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. Objective: To estimate the incidence rate of major non-communicable diseases and determine the risk factors for occupational risks associated with major non-communicable diseases in the population under study. The diseases will be considered in this study are cardiovascular diseases, breast, stomach, colorectal, prostate and liver cancers, chronic respiratory diseases, injuries and diabetes. Methods: This is a prospective cohort study. Ten thousand employees aged 18-65 years old at Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences are randomly selected and examined. It is estimated that the first round of the study is carried out within 3 years. Data needed for this study are collected through three ways: self-administered, interview and examination as well as various blood and urine tests. Initial data is used after quality review and follow up to complete incomplete data as well as linking to external data. Descriptive analysis will be done according to individual, spatial and temporal characteristics. Relative risk estimation and hazard difference for different risk factors will be performed with appropriate methods tailored to the type of data. In order to estimate the relationship between risk factors and consequences of different regression models, survival analysis and combined models will be used. Results: Appropriate training has been given to recruited staff. Required tools are ready and validated. A handbook and manual protocol is available for all processes. The required equipment and equipment are provided according to the protocol and with the opinion of the experts of the scientific committee. The pre-Pilot Stage is completed and the pilot phase is under way for two months. Conclusion: By conducting a prospective cohort study, a large contribution of early deaths can be reduced among the under study population. The success of the project to a large extent depends on the university's supports in implementing the relevant processes, the emphasis on doing the work based on the defined protocols, and the quality control and quality assurance processes. In these studies, we should be careful about the loss of follow up, and the effect of those who no longer wanted to continue to collaborate with the research, while also taking into account the measurement errors.
Soori H, Alipour A, Akbari M, Argani H, Asadpour Piranfar M, Asadzadeh Aghdaei, et al et al et al . A review on Health Cohort Study of Employees in Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences (SBMU Cohort). pajoohande 2017; 22 (6) :346-355 URL: