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:: Volume 18, Issue 4 (October & November 2013 2013) ::
pajoohande 2013, 18(4): 174-181 Back to browse issues page
Correlation between dimensions of self-efficacy and dimensions of fatigue in faculty members in schools of nursing and midwifery of Tehran
Aziz Shamsi , Farideh Yaghmaei * , Zhaleh Ezzati , Farid Zaeri
Associate Professor, Department of Public Health, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Shahid Behashti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran , farideh_y2002@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (7107 Views)
Background and Aim: Lecturers are the main factor for achieving the educational goals. Previous researches indicated that teaching is one of the most stressful occupations. Stress related to occupation may result in losing health and fatigue. Self-efficacy may influence the fatigue. The aim of this research was to determine the correlation between dimensions of self-efficacy and dimensions of fatigue between lecturers at nursing and midwifery faculties of Tehran. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive-correlation research total numbers of 144 lecturers of nursing and midwifery were attended. Participants had to fill out the questionnaire including demographic information, "Teacher’s Efficacy Scale" "Multidimensional Symptoms Fatigue Inventory-Short Form". The validity of questionnaire was analyzed through content validity index and concurrent validity. Cronbach's alpha and test-retest method were used to measure the reliability of this study. Results: Findings of research indicated that self-efficacy had significant correlation with different type of recruitment such as, interest in course that they are teaching, average number of students attending at training and having second occupation. Fatigue had meaningful correlation with department, average number of theoretical credits in one semester, interested course that they are teaching, average number of students in clinical area and having second occupation. The correlation between self-efficacy and fatigue were statistically significant (r=21). ‍Conclusion: There were negative correlation between self-efficacy and fatigue. The higher self-efficacy of lecturer the lower fatigue of lecturer. The correlation between self-efficacy and fatigue indicated that lecturers who believed on their ability for teaching, administering class and exchange with students may have lower fatigue.
Keywords: Self-Efficacy, Fatigue, Nursing Lecturers
Full-Text [PDF 502 kb]   (1623 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Original | Subject: Medicine
Received: 2017 | Accepted: 2017 | Published: 2017
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Aziz Shamsi, Farideh Yaghmaei, Zhaleh Ezzati, Farid Zaeri. Correlation between dimensions of self-efficacy and dimensions of fatigue in faculty members in schools of nursing and midwifery of Tehran . pajoohande 2013; 18 (4) :174-181
URL: http://pajoohande.sbmu.ac.ir/article-1-1586-en.html

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Volume 18, Issue 4 (October & November 2013 2013) Back to browse issues page
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